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Getting Rid of Pests and Plant Disease
Plant Health, Care and Protection

Whichever type of garden you're growing, your plants are bound to bring in harmful pests at some point. It's not your fault! Thatjust part of plant life. But if you don't get ahead of it, your precious plants may catch a disease or two. Don't fret! Decades of study from experts moved us away from taking chances with pest control. Today, we've developed plenty of solutions for pest problems and plant disease. You may notice shelves upon shelves of pesticides and bug sprays when you head to supermarkets. But recently, there's been a trend of "going green". This means going with more eco-friendly ways to protect plants from pests and diseases. These natural methods have become rather popular in both gardening and floristry. And for good reason, too! They keep plants far healthier than chemical or artificial solutions do. They're even easier on the pocket!

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In this blog post, we explore three important aspects of plant health, care, and protection. We'll emphasize effective organic remedies for your garden.

First, we go over a few basic tips for keeping your garden healthy and well-nourished. This will help you keep it full of life from the moment you plant them until you harvest their produce.

Next, we discuss the best pesticides to defend your plants from bugs and insects. We also show you proven solutions for pesky weeds.

Finally, we discover which flowers and plants can drive away pests. This is another organic way to remove pests that won't harm your garden!

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Raising a Healthy Garden

Take it from the experts. You're going to want to be sure your plants are healthy and well-nourished all through their growth. By doing this, you make sure they blossom into gorgeous flowers, fragrant herbs, or fresh vegetables!

Here are a few useful pointers for raising a healthy garden. You'll thank us later!

Before you purchase your plants, examine them for rotten roots. Look for bug-infested leaves or stems too.
Make sure to use only fully-composted waste and mulch to steer clear of disease and infection.
Do your research on which fertilizer best suits your garden and stick to it.
Keep attentive watch of bugs in your garden to minimize unwanted infestation.
In the autumn season, be sure leaves don't pile up too much. By doing this, you won't get an uneven balance of green and brown materials for your mulch.
Water your plants with the correct amount and time intervals.
Late winter is the best time to prune sickly limbs back to healthy, living tissue. Make sure to do this to avoid further infection or get new diseases.
Whatever you do - Prevent. Overcrowding.

Organic Pest Control and Herbicides

It's tempting to get chemical repellents when you encounter pest troubles. After all, they're quick and easy solutions, right? But remember: the more artificial treatments you give your garden, the fewer nutrients your plants absorb from the soil! Plus, it makes plants all the more prone to disease and infection. The basic guideline is to keep your garden as diverse as possible. Keep different types of annuals, perennials, bulbs, shrubs and trees all nestled in the soil. Plant them in smaller groups all through the garden. Place in a healthy mixture of aged compost and brown and green mulch. This will help keep pests from preying on a whole lot of plants. But there are many other all-natural ways to protect your beloved garden! Here is some expert advice on keeping weeds, diseases, insects, and bugs away. Weeds Stop these annoying things from ever growing in your yard! Top-dress your new planted plot two to three inches deep with corn gluten. Then, water it all throughout. If weeds have already shot up in the soil, drench them in a solution of vinegar and a few drops of liquid soap. Make sure to keep nearby plants and flowers safe from the acidic spray. You can do this by wrapping them in newspapers. Diseases Protect your bed of roses from powdery mildew or "black spot" with a distinct tonic. This is a mix of 2 tablespoons of baking soda, half a tablespoon of liquid soap in about 2 liters of water. A fact unfamiliar to most people, chamomile tea is an all-encompassing cure for fungal diseases. Infuse 16 tea bags or about 2 cups of dried flowers in very hot water. Use the air-cooled product to water your diseased plants. Want an easier, less time-consuming solution? Dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in 1 quart of water. Spray the mixture on plants with black spot, mildew, rust, and other fungal diseases. Insects Spraying small insects like aphids and mites with water will get them off your plants. For more stubborn bugs, remove them with adhesive tape. Brew a fistful of basil leaves and fragrant herbs (e.g. lavender, rosemary, sage, mint, etc.). Use them to do away with creepy crawlers. For slugs and snails, set up a barrier of thin copper wires around your plants. This will give those pests a faint yet scaring shock. For best results, you can also put together a shallow perimeter of pine needles, coffee grounds, cracked eggshells. This will produce a scratchy boundary that will throw them off the path.

Pest-Repellent Flowers and Plants

So far we've learned more on natural pest control remedies! Now let's have a look at the following list of plants and flowers confirmed to have organic resistance to pests and diseases. Growing a garden of gorgeous blooms or delightful herbs is no easy feat! But sweet-smelling plants often attract bugs and other insects. These will drain them of their nutrients and worse, stunt their growth. Luckily, there are helpful little beauties of nature that naturally drive off pests! They save you the time and costs of artificial pest control solutions. Even better, they keep a perfect sense of balance and diversity in your garden! This ensures your garden stays safe from nasty diseases and bug infestations. Here is a short list of pest-repellent plants and flowers! Many of these are also great for gardening beginners. They're easy to look after and maintain! Marigolds Chrysanthemums Dahlias Sunflowers Petunias Borage Lavender

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