Florist Lacey WA

Flower Delivery In Lacey, WA

Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist simplifies flower delivery throughout the Lacey area. Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Lacey.

The Best Florist Near Me

Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist is a florist in Lacey, WA.

Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist is a local florist with same-day flower delivery and luxurious floral design for various celebrations in Shelton, WA. We are open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-6:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am-4:00 pm. With over three decades in the floral industry, our team of florists never tire of creating every order to perfection. Our widely acclaimed and prize-winning floral designs are among the best you can find around Shelton! We know how crucial it is for all our customers to get the perfect bouquet they want. That's why our team of talented floral designers help you find the arrangement that meets your unique tastes, style, and budget. Whatever your needs, we give you premier arrangements with lovely flowers, elegant styles, and bright colors!

Call Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist the flower delivery experts or Lacey Florists or surrounding areas today for your free estimate or if you have any questions, give us a call at (360) 426-8615 for flower arrangement.


Featured Flowers

We provide a wide selection of fabulous farm fresh flowers: red garden roses, pink hydrangeas, white gerbera daisies, and more. For those with more one-of-a-kind tastes, we also have a line of green plants, tropicals, and succulents. Let us help you find the bouquet of your dreams! Go to our website or drop by our flower shop to explore our pre-made bouquets and baskets. Spot all your most loved flowers in various deluxe arrangements and charming gift baskets. Can't find the right arrangement for you? Our team of floral designers will work with you in designing a customized bouquet just as you like it. So whether you need a lovely bouquet, a thoughtful gift, or a gorgeous new plant, Williams Flower & Gift is here to help!

Talk to us about your tastes and preferences! Traditional arrangement for a special event? Elegant bouquet of red roses for your anniversary? Heartfelt sympathy gift basket to send your thoughts and prayers? We've got all your needs covered! We guarantee you'll get the best quality floral design alongside excellent customer service. We also provide express and same-day delivery to local churches, hospitals, funeral homes, and cemeteries. Our drivers are fully equipped to guarantee quick and headache-free delivery for all your orders. Want to discover more about our services? Ready to place your order? Call us today at (360) 426-8615 or leave a message on our website at

Flowers for Every Occasion

Valentine's Day is about celebrating love, and what better way to do so than with flowers? From classic red roses to unique blooms, there are infinite options to choose from when it comes to Valentine's Day flowers. You can select the perfect flower arrangement to show your love and appreciation by considering your loved one's preferences and style.

Red Roses: Red roses are a classic choice for Valentine's Day, symbolizing love and passion. They are available in different sizes and can be paired with other blooms to create a unique arrangement.

Unique Blooms: Consider incorporating unique and exotic blooms into your Valentine's Day arrangement, such as orchids or protea. These blooms can add a special touch to your arrangement and show your loved one how much they mean to you.

Color Scheme: Consider the color palette of your Valentine's Day flowers. While red is a classic choice, other colors such as pink or white can also be used to create a romantic and elegant look.

Personalization: Consider adding a personal touch to your Valentine's Day flowers, such as incorporating your loved one's favorite blooms or colors. This can make the arrangement even more meaningful and special.

Delivery: Consider the delivery of your Valentine's Day flowers. You want to ensure that they arrive on time and are presented beautifully.

No matter what Valentine's Day flowers you choose, they will brighten your loved one's Day and show them how much you care. Work with a trusted florist to create the perfect arrangement and make this Valentine's Day one to remember. Valentine's Day is a special day. It is the perfect day to give special blooms to your significant other. However, with so many options out there, it can be difficult to choose the right bouquet for your partner. Here are some recommendations to help you select the best Valentine's Day flowers for your loved one: Consider their favorite flowers: Does your partner have a favorite flower? If so, consider incorporating it into the bouquet. Knowing their preferences shows that you have been paying attention and care about their likes and dislikes. Think about color: Red roses are the classic choice for Valentine's Day but don't be afraid to mix it up with other colors such as pink, white, or purple. Consider your partner's favorite color or the color that represents your relationship. Choose a meaningful arrangement: Consider the symbolism behind different flowers. For example, lilies represent devotion, while tulips symbolize perfect love. Including flowers with special meanings can add an extra layer of significance to your gift. Personalize it: Add a personal touch to the bouquet by including a handwritten note or attaching a small gift such as a piece of jewelry or a favorite snack. Consider the presentation: Presentation is key when it comes to gifting flowers. Opt for a stylish vase or wrap the bouquet in a unique way to make it extra special. By following these tips, you will surely be able to create a Valentine's Day bouquet that will make your loved one feel appreciated and adored.

florist reviews

Ordered a beautiful bouquet. They sent me a picture so I could see it before it was delivered. Exceeded my expectations! Great customer service.

Heather Ben-Judah


Florist In Lacey, Washington

Are you in the Lacey, Washington area and are looking for a business that does flower delivery near me? Are you interested in having fresh flowers delivered? If the answer is yes, you have found a great resource to take care of all your florist needs. We are the best florist in Lacey, Washington. No arrangement like wedding flowers, funeral flowers is too big or too small for us. We provide full-service floristry services.

Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist commitment to you is 100% satisfaction on all your floral and gift purchases. If you are not completely satisfied, let us know by calling (360) 426-8615. We serve the areas:

Local Florists Services And Local Flower Delivery

While red roses are a timeless Valentine's Day flower, there are many other options available for those who want to give a more unique and personalized gift on Valentine's Day. Here are some alternative Valentine's Day flowers to consider:

Ranunculus: These exquisite flowers come in a range of colors and can be arranged in a variety of styles. They symbolize charm and radiance, making them a great option for partners who brighten up your life.

Anemones: Anemones come in shades of white, pink, and red and stand for anticipation and excitement. They are a great choice for partners who make your heart skip a beat.

Carnations: These flowers come in many colors and are long-lasting, making them a perfect alternative to roses. They show respect and love, which makes them a great choice for people you really love.

Tulips: Tulips come in a variety of colors, and each color has its own unique meaning. Red tulips, like red roses, symbolize love, while yellow tulips represent happy thoughts and sunshine. White tulips symbolize forgiveness and purity, making them a good choice for partners who value honesty and trust.

Orchids: Orchids are exotic and elegant, making them a great choice for partners who appreciate the finer things in life. They come in many colors and symbolize beauty, love, and strength.

Sunflowers: Sunflowers are cheerful and bright, representing loyalty and longevity. They are a great choice for partners who bring sunshine into your life and make you feel happy and loved.

When selecting substitute Valentine's Day flowers, consider your partner's preferences, favorite colors, and personality. Add a personal touch by selecting flowers that hold special meaning for the two of you or by pairing the flowers with a thoughtful gift or card.



How do I place an order?

To place a flower order at Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist, you can visit our website or call our local shop. We offer local flower delivery to the Lacey area as well as surrounding areas.


Can you deliver to Lacey?

We deliver to Lacey, WA and surrounding areas. Order today for same day flower delivery.


Can you accommodate special requests for arrangements?

Our professional designers can create a custom one-of-a-kind bouquet unique for any occasion or style. If you like a particular flower or design, we can customize it for you. Call Williams Flower & Gift - Shelton Florist to order flowers today.



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